Melero shows violent protests in Spain before the Supreme Court to contrast them with October 1

A speech by Puigdemont, images from inside the Economy Department on September 20 and more videos of the October 1 were also shown
Josep Maria Camps Updated
Catalan independence trial

After the videos requested by Andreu Van den Eynde and a thirty minute break, Joaquim Forn's lawyer Xavier Melero took the stand this Wednesday at noon when the documentary evidence phase of the Catalan independence trial resumed.

Melero only proposed the court to watch a summary video with images that had no direct relation to the Catalan independence process.  

Melero: "We need to establish a scale of what is a violent public disorder"

The lawyer has justified the video as proof because it included violent demonstrations in recent years in Spain, to which Marchena replied, stating that no justification was necessary:

Melero: "These are images of 4 violent demonstrations that occurred in various places in the national territory in recent years. We solely aim for the court to establish a scale of what is a violent public disorder and what is not."

Marchena: "The video is declared relevant. Let us watch it, then the allegations that you may want to make, along with the purpose, will be included in the report."

Melero: "I was placing the bandage before the wound, for any possible disputes."

The video showed, among others, March 15 images in Barcelona and Madrid, when both the Parliament and the Congress were tried to be besieged, as well as the protests in Burgos in 2014 at the Gamonal neighborhood.



The speech of Puigdemont on October 26, 2017

On his behalf, Jordi Pina, defence counsel of Sànchez, Rull and Turull, showed the video of the institutional declaration of Carles Puigdemont on October 26, 2017.

In that speech, Puigdemont said that he would not call for elections and complained about the application of article 155 of the Constitution to the Catalan Government.

He also harshly criticized Rajoy and the PP party for having "created stress" when the opposite was necessary, and ended up summoning the plenary of the Parliament the following day, when the independence of Catalonia was symbolically proclaimed.

Jordi Sànchez before the Department of Economy on September 20

On her behalf, Ana Bernaola, a lawyer of the team of defence counsel Jordi Pina, defended Jordi Sànchez by showing video fragments recorded by the Security cameras of the Department of Economy on September 20, using this argument:

Bernaola: "It was of double relevance: on the one hand, to prove the exact time in which they said they were there, and on the other hand, to prove that they were only present at this specific area of ​​the Department and not in any other meeting rooms that have been mentioned. We also aimg to show the general climate an objective viewer could witness during the whole day. "


The accusations rejects "the nuances of the defence counsel"

Marchena asked the accusations whether they had any inconvenient over these images, to which they replied they had no problem with thos facts being shown.

The prosecutors, the State attorney general and Vox have questioned the interpretation made by the defence counsel, and Marchena said that had to be left for further consideration by the final conclusions:

Beyond the final evaluations of the intention or what can be deduced from what the images prove. And if it is necessary to watch it, we'll reproduce it. If we can avoid watching facts that accusations and defenses consider proven with what we have already watched, that would be deemed correct. Only for this purpose."

Zaragoza: "Without the nuances of the defence counsel."

Marchena: "These are inferential nuances that can be considered at the moment of the report."

Seoane: "No objection, since these are uncontroversial facts. What is indeed controversial is its interpretation, its valuation."



More videos of police actions on October 1

Bernaola continued his turn with videos of police interventions at the polls of the referendum on October 1.

Images were shown at the Supreme Court, for example, of the police eviction of the Àgora school in Barcelona. Click on the following video to see how this police action was carried out:

Footage from the Marenostrum school in Barcelona was also provided. In particular, the Supreme Court projected this video:

Videos from outside Barcelona were also shown, such as the following on police action at Fonollosa:

In the list of Bernaola there were also videos of the intervention of the Guardia Civil at the Palau Institute in Sant Andreu de la Barca institute. In the following video you can see this performance from another perspective:

Another town from which images of that day were shown today at the Supreme Court was Aiguaviva, where the police charged with excesive force against the concentrates before the city council.

In the following video you can see some of the images that have been shown today:

The court has also been able to listen to the audio recorded by a police camera at the CEIP Verd de Girona, lost by an agent who asked his superior by telephone whether the instructions were to "enter by any means possible".


Related interactive resource: The keys of the Catalan independence trial


Catalan independence trial
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