El fiscal ha preguntado a Sànchez por este correo electrónico

"Sabi Strübel", the unexpected trending topic during Jordi Sànchez's statement

Catalan independence trial

Contents of the message:

From:             Xabi Strubell [address blurred]

Sent on:          Tursday, September 28th, 2017 at 13:10

To:                  [address blurred]

Subject:          tractor idea


Hi Jordi!

I'm Xabi Strubell, these days are so exciting!

I'm writing you with a new idea.


It could start with an automobile parade, much like protest traffic jams, at the end of which we would park our private vehicles around the polling stations.

Thus, if we managed to close the streets to traffic by double and triple parking, we could create longer lines and become the lords and masters of the avenues and streets surrounding the polling stations.

[text cut off]]


A mysterious "Sabi Strübel" came to the fore of the news on Thursday afternoon during Jordi Sànchez's statements in the Supreme Court.

The prosecutor asked Sànchez if he knew anyone called Xabi Strubell. Sànchez answered that he did not. Javier Zaragoza then asked for an email message to be displayed on the screen. The email message, written to Sànchez, suggested parking private vehicles in front of the polling stations.

The pro-independence leader denied ever having seen the message. In a tug of war against the prosecutor, Sànchez made the following reference to justice Manuel Marchena:  

"I do not want to be rude. There have been WhatsApp messages that have compromised the dignity and good name of the presiding magistrate of this Court."

Sànchez was referring to the message sent by the spokesperson of the PP in the Senate, Ignacio Cosidó,  to all the senators in the group, stating that he would control the courtroom judging the pro-independence leaders "from behind" due to having managed to place Marchena as the president of the General Council of the Judiciary and of the Supreme Court. Marchena resigned from this position on the following day.

The former president of the ANC also told the prosecutor that "it would have been interested to call Xabi Strubell as a witness".

The episode can be seen in the video below:

A trending topic and the subject of a Twitter account

The event created so much expectation that, in little time, "Sabi Strübell" had become a trending topic in Spain.

A @SabiStrubel Twitter account even appeared, and it has over 300 followers. The twitter defines himself as "Sabi Strubel, expert on sending seditious email messages".

This is the first tweet he has published:


Hi everyone. I like to send emails to implicate people.


Musician Xabi Strubell

Basque journalist Jonathan Martínez, on the other hand, tweeted to remind us of the fact that Xabi Strubell was a singer in the Basque rock band Dut.

 "Now that the State Attorney General isn't listening, Sabi Estrubel/Xabi Strubell was the singer of the legendary Basque rock band DUT. The drummer, Galder Izagirre, plays with Berri Txarrak. So basically, Jordi Sànchez is ETA.

Dut published three studio records and one record in cooperation with Fermin Muguruza. They recorded their last record in 2001. After that, Xabi Strubell continued to work as a studio and backup musician. He formed the band Zura in 2005.

Catalan independence trial
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