On March 14, 2020, Spain declared a state of alarm in the face of the coronavirus health crisis, placing the nation in lockdown and ordering the population to stay at home. Five years later, we look back on the pandemic and analyze the long term effects of covid-19 in Catalonia. We meet Carmen Cabezas, who was public health secretary during the pandemic and who led the vaccination campaign. Current health secretary Esteve Fernández analyses the lessons learned and explains the importance of cooperation in effectively managing epidemics. And reporter Cillian Shields meets some of the patients who are suffering from long covid to find out how the virus has changed their lives. This week, our Catalan phrase is "Val més curar-se en salut," which is equivalent to the English saying "Prevention is better than cure." It emphasizes the importance of taking care of your health and preventing problems before they arise.
One of the UN's 17 goals for sustainable development is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. To coincide with International Women's Day on March 8, we dedicate an episode of Filling the Sink to female entrepreneurs, particularly those in traditionally male-dominated fields such as technology. Lea Beliaeva Bander visits MWC to meet some of the businesswomen who have created startups in Catalonia. At the 4YFN pavilion, she talks to five female entrepreneurs to gain different perspectives on the challenges faced by women in business. We meet Maja Završnik, CMO and co-founder of the educational platform SheAI and host Beth Cohen analyses the statistics surrounding female startups in Catalonia. Our Catalan phrase of the week is 'buscar una agulla en un paller' - to look for a needle in a haystack. Which we felt like, when looking for female founders at the 2025 MWC in Barcelona.
Located at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, MareNostrum 5 is part of a network of European supercomputers and is used to conduct research in fields such as biomedicine, geophysics, atmosphere, energy, society and economy, providing valuable data to the international scientific community. José María Cela Espín, the director of Computer Applications in Science and Engineering at the Barcelona Supercomputer Centre, shows us around the chapel Torre Girona where the MareNostrum supercomputer is installed. We also talk to Jan Nogué, a quantum engineer from Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech responsible building the groundbreaking computer at BSC. This week's Catalan phrase is 'Aquí hi ha gat amagat!' which translates literally as 'There is a cat shut in here!'. It is used to express suspicion that there is more to something than meets the eye¿ Rather like the case of Schrödinger's cat, which can be simultaneously alive and dead, or that of qubits, the unit of measurement used in quantum computing.
Casa Orsola was built in the early 20th century by Italian businessman Joan Orsola; it is a beautiful modernist apartment building, located in the Eixample district in central Barcelona. However, in recent years it has become a symbol of the housing crisis, as tenants have been priced out by real estate speculation. In an unprecedented move, Barcelona City Council and Hàbitat3 are planning to acquire the building in order to halt the eviction processes and convert the apartments into protected housing. Lea Beliaeva Bander returns to "Filling the sink" to report on this initiative which has sparked widespread criticism. Together with host Beth Cohen, she explores what the joint purchase of Casa Orsola would mean for the residents and how the project would function on a practical level. This week's Catalan phrase is "No hi ha pany que tanqui" meaning "There is no lock that closes". It is used to describe problems that have no easy solution, such as the housing situation in Barcelona.
The Goya awards ceremony held on February 8 was a testimony to the rising success of Catalan cinema, with prizes, applause and a feeling that Catalonia is one of the driving forces of world-class film production. This week on "Filling the sink" we put our finger on the pulse of modern catalan cinema, looking back over its history and analyzing future trends. Catalan news journalist Lorcan Doherty highlights the results of the recent Goya and Gaudí awards, and we interview directors such as Marcel Barrena and Juan Antonio Bayona about their critical acclaim and box office success. Host Beth Cohen analyzes the reasons behind the boom in catalan cinema production and explains the key factors contributing to the growth of the film industry, including the fundamental role played by Catalonia's leading film school, ESCAC. This week's catalan phrase is: "I van ser feliços i van menjar anissos", meaning: "And they all lived happily ever after". It sounds like the perfect ending for a film.
Barcelona-born Enric Marco was celebrated as a survivor of a Nazi concentration camp, being awarded Catalonia's highest civil distinction, the Creu de Sant Jordi, publicly sharing his experiences and even representing a survivors' association. However in 2005 the historian Benito Bermejo discovered that Marco's life story was a monumental lie. We interview Bermejo about the investigation leading up to Marco's disclosure and learn about the thousands of Catalan Republicans who really were deported during WWII and who perished in German concentration camps. Cillian Shields sits down with host Beth Cohen to explore the circumstances that led Marco to lie about his past. We also talk to psychologist Dr. Drew Curtis, who specializes in deceit and pathological liars, and draw parallels with cases of other famous imposters. This week's Catalan phrase is 'sembla mentida' - it seems like a lie. 'Sembla mentida' that someone would fake being a concentration camp victim¿ but it actually happened.
Dragon Ball - or Bola de Drac Catalan - was created as a manga, a style of comic or graphic novel, by Akira Toriyama in 1984, and was later made into an animated television programme, also known as an anime. It was the first Japanese series of its kind to be dubbed into Catalan and is etched in the memory of generations of Catalans who grew up watching Son Goku on his quest for dragon balls. We meet actor Marc Zanni, voice of the protagonist Son Goku, to discover why the dubbing of Dragon Ball helped to promote the Catalan language. At Norma Comics in Barcelona, Dragon Ball fans explain why the series formed such an important part of their childhood. And experts Oriol Estrada and Daniel Cassany discuss how we can continue to create cultural content that resonates with audiences. This week's Catalan phrase is 'setciències', an archaic insult used by Vegeta in Dragon Ball which means 'seven sciences' and is the equivalent to being a 'clever clogs' or 'know-it-all' in English.
As Donald Trump returns to the White House, new US trading policies are predicted to bring increased tariffs on imports from Europe. On this week's podcast we'll be exploring the changes in legislation and discussing the future of the US trade relationship with Catalonia. Cristina Serradell, director of international trading at Catalonia's Trade and Investment agency, outlines the threat posed to Catalan companies. Professor Pedro Aznar from the Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting at the ESADE business and law school explains what Donald Trump's mandate could mean for the Catalan economy. And we discover how local businesses are planning to adjust their strategies following Trump's inauguration. This week's Catalan phrase is "Salut i força al canut," a quintessential way of wishing someone health and wealth. The 'canut' is an old-fashioned purse and the phrase can be used as the equivalent of the English "Cheers!" to raise a toast before drinking.
Saint Anthony, Catalonia's protector of animals, is honored with a feast day on January 17. The festival is known as Els Tres Tombs, or 'the three laps' in English, and is celebrated in honor of both animals and the saint. This year marks the bicentenary of the Tres Tombs festival in Barcelona. Andreu Bernadàs, president of the Catalan Tres Tombs federation, explains how the organization aims to keep knowledge of a past world alive. We also learn about the ruc català, Catalonia's unique breed of donkey, talking to members of the Adopt a Donkey movement and visiting a sanctuary run by Gratitud Pallars to find out how the efforts of local people could save this rare animal from extinction. This week's Catalan phrase is "Venir a tomb", meaning that something is appropriate or right in a given situation. The word "tomb" means twist or turn, and can also be used to describe a short walk, such as the three laps of the village typical of the Tres Tombs parades.
A housing cooperative is a property owned by a business or housing association in which the residents gain equity by buying shares. It's a distinctive form of home ownership which is gaining popularity across Catalonia in the face of the housing crisis. This week on Filling the Sink we take a closer look at the pros and cons. Catalan News reporter Coralie Moreau explains the origins of cooperative housing and we talk to members of the cooperatives La Borda, La Morada and La Voliana to discover the philosophies behind the different collectives. Housing policies specialist Ángela García Bernardos explains the economic model and the integration of cooperatives into urban planning. This week's Catalan phrase is "Si vols estar ben servit, fes-te tu mateix el llit", the equivalent to the English phrase "If you want something done properly, do it yourself." Members of Catalonia's cooperative housing projects have taken this motto to heart as they work together for a better collective future.
On December 30, 1924, the first section of Barcelona's city metro was inaugurated, running between Plaça Catalunya and Lesseps. Thousands of Barcelona residents continue to commute daily along this section of what is now line 3, perhaps unaware that they are travelling through tunnels with a hundred years of history. As the metro's centenary approaches, we dedicate an episode of Filling the Sink to exploring its origins and discovering how it continues to stay on track in a modern and ever-changing world. We meet Marta Torres, author of the book Barcelona, Metro a Metro, and chat to some of the musicians who brighten up our city's transport network. Host Beth Cohen discusses the centenary celebrations organized by the TMB, including ghost station visits, an exhibition of old trains and an underground race through the tunnels. This week's Catalan phrase is an easy but very useful one, "Pròxima estació", meaning "Next station". So don't miss your stop and don't miss this week's podcast!
Spain's annual Christmas lottery will take place on December 22; it is the biggest and most popular draw of the year and an event of great cultural importance for many Catalan citizens. This week on Filling the Sink we'll be exploring the history of this festive prize draw and discovering how it is celebrated. Catalan News journalist Oriol Escudé explains the origins of the draw as a way to raise money for the defense of Cádiz against Napoleon's troops in 1812. Host Beth Cohen discovers who the students of San Ildefonso school are and why their singing forms part of the lottery draw held in the Teatro Real in Madrid. And we visit some of Barcelona's most iconic ticket outlets to meet lottery vendors and discuss the odds of winning 'El Gordo'. This week's Catalan phrase is "Néixer amb la flor al cul" - literally "to be born with a flower in your bottom", which refers to good fortune acquired without effort.
As Christmas time approaches and 2024 draws to a close, we'll be dedicating an episode of Filling the Sink to an annual review, summarizing some of this year's most important news and taking a look at what is on the cards for Catalonia in 2025. Host Beth Cohen sits down with Catalan News journalist Lorcan Doherty to look back over the major stories of 2024 and discuss the best and the worst of this year's news. We have seen extreme weather events, including a drought, heat waves and a DANA which raised questions about Catalonia's vulnerability in the face of climate change. On a political level, there have been two elections, an amnesty law, a new president and the surprise return of Carles Puigdemont in August. There have also been protests about rising rent prices and mass tourism, leading to protesters spraying water guns at holiday-makers in Barcelona. This week's Catalan phrase is "Anys i panys" - "Years and locks" - which refers to the passage of time.
Catalan is currently spoken by more than 10 million people in four different countries: Spain, Andorra, France and Italy. This week on "Filling the sink" we reveal what it's like to learn Catalan as a foreign language, find out who is studying it and why and discover the importance of our national language. Catalan News journalist Cillian Shields talks to Catalan teacher, language influencer, and content creator Júlia Riera, about the success of her educational channel, @dailycatalan. Host Beth Cohen discusses the popularity of the free Catalan classes for beginners run by the CPNL. And we meet Gerhard Kirsten, a mathematician from South Africa who has documented his progress learning Catalan on social media. This week's Catalan phrase is "Qui no té feina el gat pentina", the equivalent to the English phrase "Idle hands are the devil's playthings". So if you're looking for something to do this weekend, tune in to "Filling the sink" and learn some Catalan with us!
On October 29, an isolated upper-level depression affected Spain, causing heavy rain and floods. One month on, we discuss the tragedy, explore whether Catalonia is prepared for this kind of meteorological phenomenon and question why these slow-moving storm systems are becoming increasingly frequent. Catalan News journalist Oriol Escudé talks to scientists and climate change experts David Pino and Davide Faranda, who explain the climatological conditions of the Spanish Mediterranean basin and how human activity is affecting the intensity of storms. To discover how Catalonia handles extreme weather events, we visit the Protecció Civil control and crisis centers and meet the Deputy Director of Operations, Imma Solé. This week's Catalan phrase is "Qui sembra vents, recull tempestats" - in English, "He who sows winds, reaps storms". It can perhaps serve as a warning that, if we continue to mistreat the planet and climate change advances, we can expect more storms like this in future.
This Saturday November 23 the Tenant's Union accompanied by dozens of housing activism organizations have organized a protest in Barcelona to demand a significant reduction in rents. We discuss the housing crisis, analyze the reasons behind rising prices and find out how tenants are fighting back. Catalan News journalist Cillian Shields talks to tenants about the difficulties of renting in Barcelona and host Beth Cohen investigates the rent cap law. We interview some of the key figures involved in Saturday's protest to clarify what the protest hopes to achieve, while experts question the viability of a rent strike. This week's Catalan phrase is "Començar la casa per la teulada" - to start the house with the roof. It means to do things in the wrong order and is the equivalent of the English saying "To put the cart before the horse."
Everyone loves a good breakfast, and in this week's episode of Filling the Sink we talk about the boom of brunch bars in Barcelona and find out how local cuisine is fighting back. Catalan News journalist Oriol Escudé visits Billy Brunch, one of the most famous brunch chains in the city. Owner Billy Thorens shares the secrets to his success and we chat to some of the customers to find out what's so great about brunch. Host Beth Cohen investigates the 'esmorzar de forquilla' - Catalonia's own traditional morning meal - and finds out how it has been making a comeback and "declaring war on brunch". We have breakfast with Albert Molins, a journalist from La Vanguardia and founder of EsmorzApp, an app which enables users to find restaurants serving the traditional hearty Catalan breakfasts in their area. This week's Catalan phrase is "menjar amb els ulls" - to eat with your eyes - when something looks so good that you just have to eat it.
November 9 is the tenth anniversary of the 2014 Catalan self-determination vote and to mark the occasion we'll be looking at the independence push over the last few years. Catalan News Agency journalist Guifré Jordan gives us an overview of the events leading up to the 2014 self-determination vote, the unofficial referendums between 2009 and 2011 and the protests which took place in Barcelona. We listen to some of the Catalan citizens who went to the polls and journalist and head of Catalan News Gerard Escaich Folch introduces some of the key pro-independence leaders, such as Artur Mas and David Fernàndez. We also explore the reactions of the Spanish government and host Beth Cohen draws parallels with other national and international situations. This week's Catalan phrase is "Fer mans i mànigues", which means to make that extra effort and do everything possible to achieve your goal. It's an inspirational phrase to round off this week's podcast on Catalan independence.
Despite its popularity as a recreational drug, cannabis has also been used throughout history to relieve pain and aid relaxation. Beth Cohen and Emma Monròs investigate the uses of this controversial plant in contemporary medicine, discovering its effects, benefits, and contraindications. Emma talks to doctor Magí Farré to find out how cannabis-derived pharmaceuticals are currently administered and how changes in the law could benefit sufferers of certain conditions such as chronic pain and cancer. To find out more about legal cannabis cultivation, we visit Canamedics in Manresa, the first company in Catalonia with an official license to grow medicinal cannabis. Owner and co-founder Luis Comas talks to us about this groundbreaking enterprise. This week's Catalan phrase is "Que bé s'està, quan s'està bé", used to express gratitude and recognize your good fortune when things are going well. It's a perfect feel-good phrase to end this podcast about health and well-being on a high!
As All Saints Day approaches on November 1, many Catalan families will be visiting the graves of their loved ones, taking flowers and paying their respects to the dead. Beth Cohen and Emma Monrós dive into the history of two of Barcelona's most iconic cemeteries, Poblenou and Montjuïc. Emma talks to Adrià Terol, cultural manager of the cemeteries in Barcelona, about the history of funeral rituals in the city. We admire the sculptures in Montjuïc cemetery, such as the famous Petó de la Mort (Kiss of Death), and visit the Museum of Funeral Carriages to see some of the historic vehicles there. Beth finds out how locals celebrate at this time of year and we brainstorm some ideas of spooky things to see and do in and around Barcelona for Halloween. This week's Catalan phrase is "Assemblar-se com un ou a una castanya" - to be as similar as an egg and a chestnut. It's a perfect phrase to use as la Castanyada approaches!
October 19th is the World Health Organization's International Day Against Breast Cancer. In 2022, more than 2 million people worldwide were diagnosed with the illness, while the number of diagnoses here in Catalonia last year was around 5,400. On the 200th episode of Filling the Sink, Oriol Escudé Macià joins Lea Beliaeva Bander to talk about some of the realities and myths surrounding breast cancer and who is at risk of getting it. We hear personal stories from breast cancer survivors Mònica Roldán, Grindel Darwich and Anna Bacardit, as well as from campaigners Alba Martínez and Aurora Fernàndez. We highlight the importance of early detection and discuss both private and public healthcare options and hear from oncologists about their biggest challenges. This week's Catalan phrase is "de mica en mica s'ompla la pica", which literally translates to "little by little the sink fills up," and is the phrase behind the name of the podcast, and means "one step at a time."
SEAT is known as one of the largest companies in Catalonia and one of the biggest car manufacturers in Europe, selling over half a million cars in 2023 alone. The classic SEAT 600 was more than just a car - it was the model that democratized driving in Spain and served as a symbol of a rapidly industrializing country in the mid-20th century. On October 18, 1971, in the final decade of the Franco dictatorship, a pivotal moment in the workers' rights movement occurred when SEAT workers staged a strike at the factory in Barcelona to protest the unjust firing of their colleagues. It soon turned deadly with the killing of worker Antonio Ruiz Villalba, and numerous injuries. Cillian Shields joins Lea Beliaeva Bander to discuss what led up to the strike, and we hear first-hand accounts from Pedro López, who was one of the strike organizers, and Carles Vallejo, one of the dismissed workers. This week's Catalan phrase is "fer historia" which means "to make history."
Last Saturday, around 5,000 people gathered for the 11th edition of the Barcelona International Community Day at the Maritime Museum, just off the famous La Rambla boulevard. The annual event was packed with talks, workshops, and networking activities to help newcomers to settle in and get tips on how to enjoy the Catalan capital. Lorcan Doherty and Gerard Escaich Folch from the Catalan News came prepared with a Catalonia trivia quiz and asked readers about what their expectations were when they made the big move, and how these compared with the reality once they were here. Gerard sits down with host Lea Beliaeva Bander to catch up on all that went down during the event. This week's Catalan phrase is "Benvinguts, passeu, passeu" - in English "Welcome, come in, come in", which is part of the chorus of the Catalan singer-songwriter Jaume Sisa's popular song "Qualsevol nit pot sortir el sol".
This summer, the Catalan Socialists agreed to a deal with the pro-independence Esquerra Republicana to create a new financing model in Catalonia, to be implemented in 2026. The deal would give Catalonia more economic independence and create what some call a "fairer" system. Other, more critical voices have called it "poison for the welfare state". But what exactly does this new model entail and how does it differ from the current tax system? Lorcan Doherty and Lea Beliaeva Bander break down everything you need to know about the fiscal model, from what the changes will mean for Catalonia and Spain to how Spanish and Catalan politicians have reacted. Núria Bosch and Maite Vilalta, the co-directors of the Fiscal Federalism Observatory at the Barcelona Institute of Economics explain how the new Catalan model compares to federal tax systems in other countries. The Catalan phrase of the week is "la clau de la caixa," which means "the key to the safe".
'El 47' is the latest Catalan movie that tells the story of Barcelona. Set in the late 1970s in the neighborhood of Torre Baró, it centers around Manolo Vital, who came to Barcelona from Extremadura in the 1950s. He and others bought small plots of land and started building their homes from the ground up, with no support from local Barcelona authorities. The residents lacked basic services such as electricity, running water, paved roads, schools, and buses. But one day, Manolo Vital took matters into his own hands. Emma Monrós Rosell joins Lea Beliaeva Bander to talk about the story behind the movie. We catch up with Marcel Barrena, the director of 'El 47', and actors Eduard Fernández, Zoe Bonafonte, and Carlos Cuevas. We also visit Torre Baró and hear from José Antonio Martínez and José Antonio Romero, who explain some of the current challenges facing the neighborhood. The Catalan phrase of the week is "fer més voltes que un rellotge," similar to "To work around the clock".
This week marks the official back-to-school week in Catalonia, where 1.3 million Catalans have started or returned to classrooms, noisy school yards, and the routine of heavy backpacks and homework. While most Catalan students attend public schools, a growing number are enrolled in private institutions, particularly international schools. Catalonia is home to nearly fifty international schools, three of which are in the top ten of Forbes' 2024 list of the 100 best schools in Spain. Oriol Escudé Macià joins Lea Beliaeva Bander, to explore the world of international schools - from tuition fees and languages taught to the student body they attract. We talk to postdoctoral researcher Andrea Sunyol and education consultant and founder of My Barcelona School, Anya van der Drift. The Catalan phrase is "posar-se les piles," which literally translates to "put in the batteries", and means to get more active or energetic, sometimes after a long vacation, much like the English phrase "get to work"
It's September - a time for returning to work, school or starting something new. This is also the case in Catalan politics, as Salvador Illa has been sworn in as the new president of the Catalan government. For the first time since 2010, the Socialist Party is in power, but more importantly, the leadership now rests with a party that opposes Catalan independence. Although the Socialists won the most seats and votes in May's snap election, they fell short of an absolute majority, forcing them to seek support from other parties, which they did after months of political wrangling. Gerard Escaich Folch joins Lea Beliava Bander to unpack the challenges facing the new socialist government and its road to the presidency. We will also explore the future of the pro-independence movement and answer the question: Are we witnessing a paradigm shift in Catalan politics? This week's Catalan phrase is "Quan una porta es tanca, una altra s'obre," in English "When one door closes, another one opens".
Modernism is one of the most important art movements in Catalonia, one that played a crucial role in shaping the cultural identity of Catalonia at the turn of the 20th century, while drawing clear inspiration from parallel artistic trends throughout Europe. Catalan painters Ramon Casas and Santiago Rusiñol were responsible for bringing the movement from Paris to Catalonia, but a few women, namely Lluïsa Vidal, also made their mark on modernism in Catalonia. Emma Monrós Rosell joins Lea Beliaeva Bander to delve into this significant art movement, exploring some of its defining characteristics and motifs, as well as some of its most influential artists. We hear from art historian Elina Norandi, who sheds light on the notable absence of women in this movement, and we share some recommendations for contemporary female Catalan artists to watch. This week's Catalan phrase is "Una flor no fa estiu, ni dues primavera," which transaltes as "One swallow does not make a summer."
For centuries, Catalans have enjoyed 'l'hora del vermut', a time of day when people slow down and sip a cool glass of vermouth and catch up on life. But what exactly is vermouth, where does it come from, and is it difficult to make yourself? Cillian Shields joins Lea Beliaeva Bander to chat about all things vermut and to visit the self-proclaimed Land of vermouth, Les Vermudes, located in the Sant Antoni neighborhood of Barcelona. There, our vermouth professor Elena tells us all about this versatile drink. And if that weren't enough, we also got to make our own. This week we couldn't decide on just one Catalan phrase, so we came up with two: 'Fer el vermut', which literally means to make a vermouth, and refers to the ritual of catching up with friends with or without a glass of vermouth. The second Catalan phrase is "Reus, Londres i París", or "Reus, London and Paris". To hear the story behind the second saying, check out this week's episode.
Catalan literary agent Carmen Balcells considered a revolutionary in the publishing industry, single-handedly transformed the industry. She dignified the writing profession by banning lifetime contracts and ensuring writers could negotiate their terms. Her literary agency, founded during the Franco dictatorship in Spain, played a key role in the Latin American literary boom of the 1960s, discovering and publishing bestselling authors like Gabriel García Márquez and Isabel Allende. Balcells passed away in 2015, and August 9th would have been her 94th birthday. Lea Beliaeva Bander is joined by Cillian Shields, who talks to Maribel Luque, director of the Carmen Balcells Literary Agency, and Laura Palomares, Balcells' granddaughter, about the professional and personal life of the icon. Instead of a Catalan phrase, we have chosen a quote from Balcells: "Anyone can write a good first book - it's in the second novel that writers prove themselves".