Freedy Johnston, el millor cantautor americà que encara has de conèixer
No té la fama i el reconeixement de coetanis seus com John Hiatt, Lucinda Williams, John Mellencamp o Lyle Lovett, però el seu cançoner és un compendi magistral del so americà. 01 "The lucky one"
02 "On the wait out"
03 "Trying to tell you I don't know"
04 "This perfect world"
05 "Bad reputation"
06 "Evie's tears"
07 "Evie's garden"
08 "Dolores"
09 "I'm not hypnotised"
10 "While I wait for you"
11 "Love grows"
12 "Anyone"
13 "The kind of love we're in"
14 "Don't fall in love with a lonely girl"
15 "Baby, baby come home"
16 "Darlin'"