Organizational structure


Governing Council

The Governing Council is the highest organ of government and administration of 3Cat . It is made up of seven members elected by the Parliament from a list of candidates with relevant professional qualifications.

  • Rosa Romà i Monfà, President
  • Àngels Ponsa Roca, Vice-president
  • Lluís Garriga Paituví, Board Member Secretary
  • Carme Figueras Siñol, Board Member
  • Lluís Noguera i Jordana, Board Member
  • Gemma Ribas Maspoch, Board Member
  • Josep Riera i Font, Board Member

The President

Parliament elects the President of the Governing Council among the seven members on the Board.

  • Rosa Romà i Monfà

The Advisory Council for Content and Programmes

3Cat's advisory body for the matters of programming and content. Its members are elected by the Catalan Parliament, among prestigious people who represent the plurality of Catalan society.

Members appointed by the Parliament of Catalonia

  • Sra. Michela Albarello
  • Sra. Margarita Arboix i Arzo
  • Sr. Marc Argemí i Ballbé
  • Sr. Manuel Barrios Lucena
  • Sr. Enric Calpena i Ollé
  • Sra. Marta Continente Gonzalo
  • Sra. Anna Escura Aixàs
  • Sr. Jordi Grau i Ramió
  • Sr. Roger Martínez Sanmartí
  • Sra. Francisca Maya Heredia
  • Sra. Marta Narberhaus Martinez
  • Sra. Laia Pellejà i Puxeu
  • Sr. Oriol Ribet Casademunt
  • Sr. Jordi Robirosa Dejean
  • Sra. Imma Tubella i Casadevall
  • Sra. Ténzul Zamora Boricó

The Ombudswoman of the Audience

The Ombudsman or Ombudswoman is the institution that watches over the rights of the spectators of Televisió de Catalunya, the listeners of the radio stations of Catalunya Ràdio, and the users of the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals - 3Cat's websites and portals.

  • Laura Baladas i Ortiz

The TV3 Marathon Foundation

The TV3 Marathon Foundation seeks to foster and promote high-level biomedical research and social awareness with respect to those diseases dealt with on the TV3 “La Marató” television programme.

  • Lluís Bernabé i Valera, executive director

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the executive body of 3Cat, comprised of the President of the Governing Council and the directors of the media and the corporate departments.

  • Rosa Romà i Monfà, President of the Governing Council
  • Daniel Hernández Torrent, Director of Corporate Strategy and the Governing Council
  • M. Núria Fargas i Rial, Director of Business and Marketing
  • Andreu J. Martínez Hernández, Director of Budget Management, Green Business and General Services
  • Natàlia Prats Buendia, Director of Digital and Technological Infrastructures
  • Cristina Villà i Font, Director of Innovation, Research and Digital Strategy
  • Romà Vilanova Llombart, Director of Organisation, Processes and Human Resources
  • Jordi Borda Marsiñach, Director of Radio
  • Sigfrid Gras i Salicrú, Director of Televisión
  • Ignasi Jaén i Viñuales, Director of Legal Services

Organizational chart of 3Cat


Functions of the corporate management of 3Cat
