Diversity Plan

Part of the mission of 3Cat and its media is to actively contribute to the inclusivity and social cohesion of the country with Catalan as a common language. To do so, it is necessary to reach all citizens and understand them in their diversity, with the goal of being able to create meaningful role models in today's society. And, within diversity, it is essential to promote and respect real and effective equality between men and women, both inside and outside the organisation

3Cat has a Diversity Plan which aims to contribute to the transformation of the organisation so that its internal structure is more diverse, as well as provide the public with content that is more representative of the diversity present in today's society. The diversity of origins and ethnicity, functional diversity, and also sexual, age and aesthetic diversity are at the centre of the Diversity Plan. The plan also integrates gender equality in a cross-cutting way in all its measures and actions.

Faced with an increasingly diverse society, the Diversity Plan must make 3Cat, in its content and structures, a more representative platform of the evolving composition of Catalan society, while fostering social cohesion and the use of Catalan.

For this reason, the 3Cat Diversity Plan aims to foster understanding and internal knowledge around diversity, to promote more content representative of diversity and more reflection on this reality. A further objective of the plan is to progressively move towards greater diversity in the workforce, as well as to better assess the presence of diversity in quantitative and qualitative terms.