In 2002 the Marathon, which was dedicated to chronic inflammatory diseases, received 80 project applications; these were evaluated by 32 scientific specialists around the world who drew up an order of priority depending on the methodological quality and relevance of the project. The assessment was managed by the Catalan Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Research.
In accordance with the proposal from the Advisory Committee of the Fundació La Marató de 3Cat, the Board agreed to distribute, after paying the costs of the evaluation, € 3,876,669 to the 20 biomedical research projects listed below and used to support research on these diseases. The results were published in the IX Simposium Fundació La Marató de 3Cat which took place in 2008.
Therapeutic effect of probiotics in active Crohnís disease and their action mechanism. Randomised, double-blind, prospective pilot study, comparing enteral nutrition plus a symbiotic composition versus enteral nutrition plus placebo during four weeks
- Dr. Doroteo Acero FernándezHospital Universitari Doctor Josep Trueta. Girona
- Dr. Jesús García GilFacultat de Ciències UdG
- Dr. Richard DaySt. Mark's Hospital. Academic Institute. London
Regulation of platelet activator factor levels as an etiologic factor in inflammatory intestinal disease
- Dr. Juan Aguilar PieraFacultat de Farmàcia UB
Design and synthesis of peptides and peptidomimetics as therapeutic agents with anti-inflammatory ability.
- Dr. Fernando Albericio PalomeraInstitut de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona
- Dr. Enrique Pérez PayáInstitut d'Investigacions Citològiques. València
Belgium Search for new therapeutic strategies for chronic autoimmune arthritis based on steroid transrepression
- Dra. Anna Bigas SalvansInstitut de Recerca Oncològica
- Dr. Guy HaegemanUniversity of Gent. Belgium
- Dr. Dirk ElewautGent University Hospital. Belgium
Action mechanism of antimicrobial peptides y proteins of the immune system. Involvement in the pathogeny of inflammatory intestinal diseases
- Dra. Ester Boix BorràsFacultat de Ciències UAB
Glucocorticoid interference mechanisms with the MAPK routes as a basis for their anti-inflammatory action. Increasing the anti-inflammatory action of current glucocorticoids.
- Dra. M. del Carmen Caelles FranchFacultat de Farmàcia UB
Medico-legal study of the suitability of disability cover in patients with Crohnís disease. Analysis of the legal precedents, design of a disability score, and evaluation of the current degree of socio-health cover
- Dr. Xavier Calvet CalvoHospital de Sabadell
Usefulness of evaluating apoptosis of mononuclear cells of the intestinal mucosa of patients with inflammatory intestinal disease to predict the appearance of refractoriness to steroids. Relationship with the activation of transcription factor NFkB and cytokine transcription
- Dra. Maria Esteve ComasHospital Mútua de Terrassa
- Dr. Josep Mañé AlmeroHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol
Minor forms of microscopic colitis: definition based on objective histological criteria and valuation of incidence, clinical characteristics and response to treatment.
- Dr. Fernando Fernández BañaresHospital Mútua de Terrassa
New gene therapy strategies for the treatment of inflammatory intestinal disease: silencing of TNF-alpha expression and overexpression of interleukin-10
- Dr. Miquel Àngel Gassull DuroHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol
- Dra. Ester Fernández GimenoFacultat de Veterinària UAB
- Dr. Miguel Chillón RodríguezCentre de Biotecnologia Animal i Teràpia Gènica UAB
- Dr. José Carlos Perales LosaFacultat de Medicina UB
Identification of signalling proteins of glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis as targets for the development of anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical products
- Dr. Gabriel Gil GómezInstitut Municipal d'Investigació Mèdica
Regulation and functional role of transcription factors NFAT5 and NFATC in the inflammatory response: in vivo and in vitro study
- Dra. Cristina López RodríguezParc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona
- Dr. José Francisco Aramburu BeltránFacultat de Ciències de la Salut i de la Vida UPF
- Dr. Juan Miguel Redondo MoyaCentro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III
Childhood inflammatory arthritis: prospective study of its incidence and prevalence in Catalonia
- Dra. Consuelo Modesto CaballeroHospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron
Double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, multicentre, phase III, pilot clinical trial on the usefulness of associating Metronidazole with Azathioprine in the prevention of post-surgical recurrence in Crohnís disease
- Dra. Rosa Mª Morillas CunillHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol
Quality of life related to health in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in Catalonia
- Dra. Montserrat Nuñez JuárezHospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona
Functional characterisation of the calcipressin 1-calcineurin interaction and application to the development of new therapeutic routes for the treatment of Crohnís disease.
- Dra. Mercè Pérez RibaInstitut de Recerca Oncològica
- Dr. Angel Messeguer PeypochInstitut d'Investigacions Químiques i Ambientals de Barcelona
Effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories on the course of inflammatory intestinal disease. Study of the susceptibility mechanisms and development of diagnostic tools
- Dr. Josep Maria Piqué BadiaHospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona
- Dr. Raúl Méndez de la Iglesia Centre de Regulació Genòmica
- Dr. Àngel Lanas ArbeloaHospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa. Zaragoza
Genetic analysis of the role of MAPK p38 in inflammation
- Dr. Francesc Posas GarrigaInstitut de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona
- Dr. Ángel R. NebredaCentro Nacional de Investigacions Oncológicas. Madrid
- Dr. Manolis PasparakisEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory. Monterotondo
Gene expression profile in inflammatory intestinal disease
- Dr. Adolfo Río FernándezHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol
- Dr. Antonio Suárez GarciaFacultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Granada
- Dr. German Soriano PastorHospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Antibodies against citrulline peptides in short-evolution rheumatoid arthritis: diagnostic and prognostic significance
- Dr. Raimon Sanmarti SalaHospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona
- Dra. Isabel Haro VillarInstitut d'Investigacions Químiques i Ambientals de Barcelona
- Dr. Alejandro Balsa CriadoSociedad Española de Reumatologia