In 2003 the Marathon, which was dedicated to chronic respiratory diseases, received 105 project applications; these were evaluated by 52 scientific specialists around the world who drew up an order of priority depending on the methodological quality and relevance of the project. The assessment was managed by the Catalan Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Research
In accordance with the proposal from the Advisory Committee of the Fundació La Marató de 3Cat, the Board agreed to distribute, after paying the costs of the evaluation, € 3,344,269 to the 27 biomedical research projects listed below and used to support research on these diseases.
The results were published in the X Simposium Fundació La Marató de 3Catwhich took place in 2009.
COPD: Effect of stop smoking on airway inflammation
- Dr. Carlos Agustí García-NavarroHospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona
Phenotype characterisation and course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): PAC-COPD study
- Dr. Josep M. Antó BoquéInstitut Municipal d'Investigació Mèdica
Understanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for skeletal muscle wasting in COPD patients: therapeutic implications
- Dr. Josep Maria Argilés HuguetFacultat de Biologia. UB
Study of genetic variants (SNP) involved in smoking cessation
- Dr. Josep M. Argimón PallàsDAP Costa de Ponent. Fundació Jordi Gol i Gurina
Contribution of the vascular progenitor cells in the injury and vascular repair mechanisms in pulmonary circulation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Dr. Joan Albert Barberà MirHospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona
Clinical study of the significance of viral infection in the acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with emphasis on safe reduction of use of antibiotics
- Dr. Josep Antón Capdevila MorellHospital de Mataró
Chronic respiratory disease and smoking in surgical patients in Catalonia: epidemiological profile, predictive factors of postoperative outcome and quality of life at three months
- Dr. Jaume Canet CapetaHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol
Non-invasive monitoring of respiratory patterns in COPD patients
- Dr. Pere Casan ClaraHospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
- Dr. Pere Joan Riu CostaCentre de Recerca en Enginyeria Biomèdica. UPC
Pathogenesis of COPD: the role of the bioactive sphingolipids in regulating apoptosis of the alveolar cells and screening of combinatorial lipid libraries for potential therapeutic use
- Dra. Josefina Casas BrugulatInstitut d'Investigacions Químiques i Ambientals de Barcelona
- Dr. Antonio Delgado CiriloFacultat de Farmàcia. UB
- Dr. Antonio Gómez MuñozFacultad de Ciencia y Tecnología. Universidad del País Vasco
Tuberculosis in immigrants: an imported disease?
- Dr. Joan Artur Caylà BuquerasInstitut de Medicina i Salut. Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona
Local and systemic inflammation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: determination of acute phase proteins and cytokines in infectious exacerbation
- Dr. José Antonio Domínguez BenítezHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujo
Respiratory symptoms, asthma and passive smoking among schoolchildren: effectiveness of an integrated individual, family and school intervention
- Dr. Esteve Fernández MuñozInstitut Català d'Oncologia
- Dr. Manel Nebot AdellInstitut de Medicina i Salut. Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona
- Dr. José A. Pascual EstebanInstitut Municipal d'Investigació Mèdica
Prevalence of osteoporosis in COPD males. Risk factors of osteoporosis and usefulness of densitometry in prediction of vertebral fractures
- Dr. Jordi Gratacós MasmitjàHospital de Sabadell
New tools for the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. Integrated immunological response against to lipidic and glycolipidic antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Dra. Esther Julián GómezFacultat de Ciències. UAB
- Dr. Carles Alonso TarrésHospital General de l'Hospitalet
Environment, genes and asthma: an international study
- Dr. Emmanouil KogevinasInstitut Municipal d'Investigació Mèdica
Efficacy of respiratory rehabilitation in moderate COPD patients in primary health care and the maintenance of the benefits at two years
- Dra. Concepción Larraz GimenoCentre de Salut Escola Graduada. Institut Balear de Salut
Colonisation of the airways of severe COPD patients by Aspergillus sp. A prevalence study and analysis of the associated factors
- Dr. Frederic Manresa PresasHospital Universitari de Bellvitge
Infectious COPD exacerbations: risk factors for Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolation and influence of the virulence genes on outcome
- Dra. Concepción Montón SolerHospital de Sabadell
Study of bronchial bacterial colonisation in COPD. Effect of antibiotic treatment in the eradication and prevention of exacerbations
- Dr. Josep Morera PratHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol
Circulating endothelial progenitor cells in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. Implications in cardiovascular risk
- Dra. Mónica de la Peña BravoHospital Son Dureta. Palma de Mallorca
Identification, synthesis and biological screening of new series drug leads with rational drug design approach for bradykine antagonism as an antiasthmatic therapeutic strategy
- Dr. Juan Jesús Pérez GonzálezEscola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial. UPC
- Dr. Josep Castells BoliartInstitut Universitari de Ciència i Tecnologia. Mollet
Inflammatory mechanisms and causes of Rapid-Onset Near-Fatal Asthma
- Dr. Vicente Plaza MoralHospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Effects of reversible proteasome inhibitors on the mechanisms involved in inflammation and remodelling responses in asthma
- Dra. Laura Pujols TarrésHospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona
- Dr. Cristóbal Mezquita PlaFacultat de Medicina. UB
Ventilator associated pneumonia COPD patients. Risk factors and clinical outcomes
- Dr. Jordi Rello CondominesHospital Universitari Joan XXIII
Integrated care and biopathology of advanced COPD
- Dr. Josep Roca TorrentHospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona
Lung structure and gas exchange in COPD undergoing lung transplantation
- Dr. Robert Rodríguez RoisinHospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona
- Dr. Antonio Román BrotoHospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron
Risk and pronostic factors of community acquired pneumonia in COPD patients. Impact of the inflammatory response
- Dr. Antoni Torres MartíHospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona
- Dra. Rosario Menéndez VillanuevaHospital Universitari La Fe. València